My freelance editor, the awesome Renni Browne, has officially declared my novel, The Darkening Dream, done, and ready for agents!
Now bear in mind that “done” is a highly subjective term, and that as soon as anyone gives me an idea worth doing, I’ll probably do it, and that agents and editors are bound to ask for changes. Which as long as I think the ideas make the book better, is a good thing.
The new version is 5.00i, but this is my ninth full major draft. Woah.
I remember reading Sol Stein‘s awesome book on writing, where he mentioned that The Magician took 10-11 drafts (I was then on my second) and thinking: that’s crazy! I guess not. Totally coincidentally, Renni also edited that novel, published in 1971!
So it’s been a busy week, working only on The Darkening Dream (I’ll get back to my new novel shortly). In the last 10 days:
1. We finishing our big line edit
2. I rewrote the ending again.
3. I read the entire book and made minor mods.
4. Renni and Shannon (her additionally awesome co-editor/assistant) reread the beginning and the ending and did another quick line edit.
5. I went over that.
6. I got back a critique on the beginning of the book, and made some changes based on that.
7. This inspired me to write two entirely different beginnings.
8. We eventually decided the original was better, although I moved a few nice tidbits from the new stuff over.
9. I reread the whole first half of the book, and the ending again, and made some more improvements.
10. On Sunday I rested.
So now I return to the agent game (referrals very welcome), and to the agonizing internal debate about the relative merits of self publishing in the modern (and very rapidly changing) market. And back to the first draft of my new novel (about 25% done).
If any of you beta readers want a copy of the new improved 95,000 word The Darkening Dream, drop me a note.