Restaurant: Waffle & Dinges
Location: 1080-, 1090 6th Ave, New York, NY 10036
Date: July 6, 2017
Cuisine: Belgian Waffle
Rating: how could a waffle & ice cream be bad?
The culmination of a frantic internet search for a quick breakfast led me to:
Not even realizing (beforehand) that it was just a kiosk. Well I had been drawn in by the web photos of waffles covered in sugary looking dairy products anyway.
Basically you just pick what goes on your waffle. It’s a pretty simple process. There was a lot of sugar options.
Waffle with vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, nutella, bacon, and spekuloos spread (sort of a gingerbread caramel). It was sweet and pretty good. The annoying cardboard box/plate and the incredibly soft and flimsy plastic knife and fork did it no justice though. I broke 2 of them trying to saw through the waffle. Plus this was $11!
I think it would have been excellent in a better setting with a proper plate and utensils. I’m never a fan of eating standing up with plastic.