The Hedonists return to Renu Nakorn for even more Northern Thai goodness click for full details.
The Hedonists return to Renu Nakorn for even more Northern Thai goodness click for full details.
Maradentro is a variant on the Mercado theme with a slight seafood focus…
More very contemporary medium/high-end Chinese cuisine at the delicately named Jade Mansion…
In search of the famed Shanghai Hairy Crab we were treated to the most prestigious crab palace in the city…
More high-end Chinese, this time looking across the river at Shanghai Tower while we smacked down on Peking Duck…
We journey into the exclusive world of high-end Shanghai cuisine and style…
Fun multi-flavored XLB at Paradise Dynasty…
Our stay in the Guilin area took us down the Li River to Yangshuo and the following eats…
A good sampling of classic Guangzhou dishes at one of Guilin’s more prominent restaurants…
More delicious Szechuan cuisine plus a wander past an array of Chengdu street snacks…
To offset over 5 total hours waiting outside in 100deg (high humidity) heat we threw down some spicy Szechuan noodles…
What happens when you dip all your food into a boiling mix of rendered ox fat, chili oil, chilies, and Szechuan peppercorns?
An evening of Coche-Dury Meursault at Majordomo…
We delve deep into the mysterious alley in search of spicy fried rabbit heads and OG dan dan mein…
A quick brunch foray into Josiah Citrin’s newish more casual eatery…
Starting off the Chengdu part of our trip with some homestyle Szechuan including the essential classic: mapo tofu…
This K-Town spot specializes in Korean Style BBQ Pork Ribs!
Crazy “Tang Dynasty” dumpling feast in the center of old Xi’an makes for a very unique meal…
I’ve wanted to check out Native, but this was just a little recognizance run…
A hearty feast fit to keep an army of terracotta warriors on the march…