Restaurant: Shaking Crab
Location: 203 Adams St, Newton, MA 02458. (617) 795-1630
Date: October 19, 2017
Cuisine: Korean Cajun
Rating: Solid and spicy
During my Boston visit some of my friends took me to Shaking Crab, a “cajun” seafood joint. Interestingly, it’s EXACTLY like the LA area Boiling Crab.
Salty shisito peppers. This batch wasn’t very hot.
A sort of long island ice tea kind of thing with Bourbon.
The meat of the meal is all served in plastic bags. Seafood soaked in garlicky chili sauce. You can chose from 4 sauces and various heat levels.
This was Dungeness Crab. A bit hard to break into.
Lobster tails. Hard to get out.
“Blue Crab” and cajun sausage. Max spicy. It wasn’t that spicy, the sausage was small, and I’m pretty sure that isn’t blue crab. Still, it was pretty tasty (shells and all).Shrimp and clams. Really liked the clams. The shrimp tasted good but were a touch annoying to peel. We paid extra for no heads – worth.
This place is tasty, and reasonable (for all that seafood). But it is a mess. They give you bibs, gloves, etc. And the staff was very helpful. He helped crab the crab and shuck some stuff. Still it’s messy. One of my favorite parts was the garlicky slurry with the Dungeness Crab. It tasted just like XO sauce.