Restaurant: Yogurt Shoppe
Location: 873 Swarthmore Ave, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272. 310-459-0088
Date: Friday May 13, 2011!
Cuisine: Frozen Yogurt
Rating: Yummy & Popular.
Recently a new frozen yogurt place opened in the heart of the Pacific Palisades Village. This is a popular and welcome addition to our little community, which has suffered a bit of a drought of unoccupied storefronts since the recent recession began (much of this is due to the apparently asinine landlord on Swathmore who refuses to rent out half the storefronts).
The frontage. You should have seen this 10 minutes before as school let out and the place was swamped with kids.
The have a great little format. You choose a cup, and then fill it up yourself from any combination of the ten soft-serve machines.
Then self load up from the extensive topping bar. Here are various fruit, cool “mango poppers” mochi balls, chocolate chips, snowcaps, bits of various candy bars etc.
Even more toppings. Lots of common candy types (including my favorite, skittles), nuts, sprinkles, and more.
Then an extensive wet topping selection, including hot fudge, caramel, and marshmallow sauce.
My son went simple. With tasty fat-free vanilla (which didn’t taste fat-free), strawberries, bannas, snowcaps, and sprinkles (aka jimmies to use East Coasters).
I jazzed mine up a bit more, with cookies and cream and dulce de leche yogurt, various candles, mochi, and caramel sauce. The mango poppers were cool, little Ikura (salmon roe sushi) look-alike orange balls that exploded mango in the mouth. I also discovered that Skittles when frozen and VERY hard on the teeth. But they’re still my favorite standard packaged candy.
For more high quality Westside dessert, check out Sweet Rose Creamery.