Sons of Anarchy could be loosely described as The Sopranos with bikers, but like anything, it’s execution dependent, and in this case the execution is awesome…
Sons of Anarchy could be loosely described as The Sopranos with bikers, but like anything, it’s execution dependent, and in this case the execution is awesome…
A good villain is neither black nor white. Take Pastor John Parris. Is he a villain or victim? Well… villain, but even the most evil come from somewhere. In this short story, we explore some important questions about the creepy little man…
Post modern pastiche of the classic teen horror that succeeds in being both funny and a genuine horror film in its own right…
In honor of the coming invasion of demons, witches, and the like, I and The Darkening Dream are participating in Fiction Frolic for All Hallow’s Read, an event supporting Neil Gaiman’s All Hallow’s Read…
The final Chris Nolan Batman draws upon the comic mythos and reinvents itself with a dark nihilistic 21st century zeitgeist. Stripped of camp, free of post-modern self-reference (which The Avengers is packed with), shorn of sentimentality…
If you are interested in politics, economics, history or just being human you owe it to yourself to read this book…
Today brings us a new trailer for The Hobbit!
My upcoming novel, Untimed, features an amusing cast of characters, so I gathered up their likenesses into a rather oddball “family” album…
The new Cliff Nielsen cover for Untimed is here!
I’m experimenting with some logo ideas for Untimed and want to see what you guys think…
Yesterday I did a really fun one hour radio interview on BlogTalkRadio about The Darkening Dream, with tangents into writing, video games, TV, and all that good stuff…
If you like Science Fiction, post apocalyptic worlds, or just plain old good novels. Read this. Seriously, it’s one of the most enjoyable speculative novels I’ve read in years…
The Darkening Dream has recently won a few more book awards for both the novel itself and the awesome cover.
A video of Game of Thrones season 2 effects shots shown before and after.
All twenty-one interior illustrations for my time travel novel, Untimed, are now finished! I thought I’d use the occasion to release two new ones to the public…
A tasty fantasy snack from the author of Ship Breaker and The Windup Girl…
I am in utter awe with regard to the creativity oozing from this novel. Part Dickens, part steampunk, part fantasy, part Blade Runner, part Lovecraft and a whole lot more…
Since I’ve created thirteen video games and written two novels I’m often asked how the process compares between the two. This is a complex topic, but here goes one stab at it, focusing on the generation of the idea. The…
Hugo and Nebula wining author of the Sci-Fi novel, The Windup Girl, brings his unique vision of the future to YA…
This new Spider-Man has to be one of the fastest reboots in film history. Ten years, just five since the wretched Spider-Man 3! So valuable is this franchise that in recent decades, Sony Pictures has only made money during Spider-Man years…