We’re entering that most exciting time of year: the ramp up and entry into a new Game of Thrones season. HBO has begun doling out the videos…
The E-Book versions of Untimed are on sale! Only $1.99 cents from Sunday, January 20 until Friday the 25th! Get ’em while it’s hot…
The hardcover edition of Untimed is ready, and it looks oh so sexy…
I found this very interesting (and very creative) Buffy vs. Edward mashup online. It’s worth highlighting not only because of its skill, but because it contrasts two of the most popular teen vampire franchises. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is my…
A rather magnificent movie that makes use of all that is great about the film medium…
My novel, Untimed, is now for sale at Barnes and Noble and iTunes…
Reading doesn’t separate the men from the boys, it separates the educated from the ignorant. Seriously…
This crazy romp down memory (and temporal) lanes is surprising fun…
A little bit about how the idea for Untimed and its major characters came to be…
The Kindle and paperback versions of Untimed are for sale!
The Hobbit isn’t flawless, but it is totally captivating and left me burning for more. Let’s take a look at the why and how of that…
Untimed will launch December 19, just one week from now! Details inside including two free chapters…
This novel is an indie publishing effort, released just last month, that has shot up the charts. It’s a debut, and the author has no previous platform, so this means its success is based on its own merits — or blind luck. Let’s look closer…
BDP2 is not nearly as vomit inducing as part 1. Sure, I did my fair share of cringing, but mostly the film brought a smirk to my face…
To celebrate Thanksgiving, the Kindle version of The Darkening Dream is on sale for only 99 cents from Wednesday November 20 until Sunday the 25th! Take the plunge, it’s certainly a great deal…
This was a busy week for Untimed swag. The proof came for the latest ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) and a run of swag bookmarks too…
Air New Zealand is using this very amusing (in a geeky way) Hobbit-themed safety video on its flights!
In many ways, Prometheus, harkens back to 60s and 70s Science Fiction (novels). Not only is it Ridley Scott’s vague take on a prequel to his own 1979 Alien, but it ambitiously tackles gigantic open ended questions…
In honor of that special night when the barriers between this world and the next grows thin, I made a list of some favorite creepy/scary books…
This year I am taking part in the fangtabulous Coffin Hop Blog Extravaganza. Over a hundred masters of horror all sharing their work with the world…