Restaurant: Toppings
Location: 872 Via De La Paz. Los Angeles, CA 90272. (310) 454-8228
Date: September 14, 2012
Cuisine: Frozen Yogurt
Rating: Diabetics beware!
A while back I review the new frozen yogurt place in the heart of the Pacific Palisades Village, now apparently it was so popular that someone decided to build a second one just a block away! The newcomer, Toppings, appears to be part of a two joint chain and its claim to fame is more toppings. A lot more toppings!
The yogurt part itself is similar. You choose a cup, and then fill it up yourself from any combination of the ten soft-serve machines. The flavors don’t seem to change too dramatically or often, but I have on occasion noticed a few switch-ups.
Here begins the toppings buffet. Not only is the selection enormous, but they are very neatly kept and organized thematically! This is the “sugar candy section.” I adore sugar candy, and its one of my secret weaknesses, but actually they don’t work so great in FroYo because they instantly grow hard as rocks in the cold.
Cereals, sugar and not so sugar. Plus a few misc things like coconut and yogurt coated pretzels.
Cookie bits have they own section! Look at all those types, including “Mom’s Animal Cookeis” Yum!
Then chocolate bits, sprinkles, and chocolate covered candies!
And a whole section with “real” candy bars like Snickers, Butterfingers, Milky Ways, Heath Bar, etc. No major american candy is left out here — except I’m not sure I saw peppermint patty (which I actually like on a sundae).
Then fruit. We have both the natural versions and on this side a host of funny mochi and flavor ball types. There are even pickles in the corner for desperate pregnant women.
A closer look at the real fruit.
Then the sauces. Cold chocolate, hot chocolate, caramel, butterscotch, marshmallow, all that good stuff.
A full view of most of the toppings bar. It curves around like an L in the back and over to the far side. Very neat and modern too.
My masterpiece, which is pretty much drenched in caramel and marshmallow sauce. Underneath are all sorts of the heavy candy bars like Snickers and Butterfingers. This is about as remote from the “healthy” FroYo with tart unsweetened yogurt and a little fruit as you can get! So, which of our two yogurt joints is better? Hard to say. Clearly there are more and better toppings here at toppings but many people think the yogurt itself is better at The Yogurt Shoppe. Really, I seem to end up with something very similar at both. Sweet as bejesus!
For more high quality Westside dessert, check out Sweet Rose Creamery.