In honor of the coming invasion of demons, witches, and the like, I and The Darkening Dream are participating in Fiction Frolic for All Hallow’s Read, an event supporting Neil Gaiman’s All Hallow’s Read.
Each of the participants is doing three different themed posts. My first one is about reading in school:
Reading doesn’t separate the men from the boys, it separates the educated from the ignorant. Seriously. There is no other conduit for absorbing information and broadening oneself that is so accessible and so efficient. Every medium has its advantages, but the book has it all in regards to breadth and depth. There are books on more topics, and more specific topics, than any other format. Probably by several orders of magnitude. And nothing holds as much information in as few bits…
Read the full post at the frolic by clicking here.
And — almost as cool — is an awesome Rafflecopter running (click the link or the banner to see) where you can win oodles of juicy swag from yours truly and the other participating authors!
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